Chamber Champions
The Chamber Champions are the front line for the Chamber! They conduct Ribbon Cuttings, welcome our new members at events, greet and welcome everyone to the Second Wednesday Breakfast and each Business After Hours. They also volunteer at other events as opportunities arise. This is a great way to jump-start your membership! This committee is active throughout the year.
Chamber Golf Classic
This group organizes our annual fundraising golf tournament each spring. Volunteers plan, recruit teams, sponsors and door prizes and are on the course helping to make the event successful. If you like hands-on involvement in a concentrated time period - this is for you! This committee is active two months each Spring.
Military Affairs Committee
Supports the local military mission and enhances the relationship between the military and civilian communities. Limited to 60 members, there is a waiting list. This Committee is active throughout the year. Additional Annual Dues apply.
Niceville Young Professionals (NYP)

Niceville Young Professionals is a member organization aimed at engaging an emerging group of leaders committed to personal growth and career advancement while serving the communities in Okaloosa County. Additional fees apply.
Sequins and Suits Committee
The Annual Charity Auction “Sequins & Suits”. The event features amazing silent and live auctions, delectable small plates, a fun wine pull, cash bar and more! If you are interested in joining the fun of planning all things auction, please let us know. There are many options on how businesses can support this event and promote their organizations. This committee is active three months each Fall/Winter.